ATO help


Im in the market for a ATO unit for a biocube 14, whats the best recommendation for an ato thats out there....perferable one with an optical sensor.
Tunze has a great stand alone unit called osmolator, I don't use it at the moment because my computer controller does the ato as most avail computer controllers are capable of doing, however I do use the small osmolator pump as it is very strong and super small.

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For something so small i would use the gravity fix one. Look up ato gravity set up. I used this method in my 29 gallon biocube
I have a Bio cube 14 that I have been using the JBJ it just barely fits yet works well.
I had the Tunze on my bigger 180 I know it will not fit in the back of the bio cube 14.

So im assuming the tunze with the optical will be too large to fit in the back of the bicube 14? I see that the jbj is a mechanical float in which ive read about sometimes failing. Has anyone had an issue like that? I would prefer something with an optical sensor just to have that piece of mind if there is one that small
Although i don't have a bio cube, I think it should fit but perhaps not with the provided magnet, you would have to get creative at that point.

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I have had two optical sensors fail, one that was a Tunze and one that was an Apex, NEVER had a float switch fail!
So i work with a guy whos getting out the hobby and he says he will give me it hydor ato unit i would just need to get my own pump. My question is are these units any good?