ATO Problem in JBJ NanoCube 24g


New member
So I recently installed the XP Aqua Duetto2 ATO into my 24g Nanocube (1 week ago). I read the instructions and installed the sensor in the return pump chamber and put the filling hose into a neighboring chamber. Everything seemed pretty decent until I witnessed the system perform a significant overfill - dropping below my target salinity. I had caught it doing a few small overfills prior too.

Here’s what’s causing the issues to arise. Everytime I pause the return pump to feed my tank and then turn it back on, the tank receives a top-off, whether needed or not. The only thing I think is happening is that the return pump is able to drop the chamber levels faster than the overflow can return water to chambers. The overflow and return pumps do come into equilibrium. The overflow chamber does have an aftermarket surface skimmer which I’m sure is restricting the flow to a degree. I had to add the aftermarket skimmer because it features a remain-in-place clip, so it didn’t fall into the display tank when the suction is lost - factory skimmer issue.

Im looking for ideas on what to do. I don’t believe that this is necessarily a sole ATO issue, but an application issue. I feel like if I swapped ATOs, the fact that my return chamber is slow to equalize the issue would remain. Do I try and increase the skimmer speed by making the holes bigger? I am in my 30-day window to return this product and exchange it for a Tunze 3155 - the gold standard.

All thoughts and ideas are welcome!