Attempted shark attack this month

I didn't know Lion Fish were good to eat?

Lionfish have become an invasive issue as there are no natural predators in many of our reefs. Since they are actually really good to eat, I've read about some chef's making efforts to capture them from our reefs and prepare them in their restaurants essentially creating a predator for them.

Some pretty neat articles out there about it,
Wow. Sharks don't bother me much since if you act aggressive towards them, they immediately back off. Sea Lions know that in the water, they are king compared to humans. And they are big and very strong. You are very lucky.

Agree, anytime I have ever seen sharks while diving all I had to do was swim towards them and they dart off.
This may not work w/ a REALLY big shark of course, fortunately I have never seen one while diving.
Sea lions have been a serious issue though, and kayak fishing I have been absolutely tormented by them.
They have been sinking some kayaks by boarding and overloading, a couple guys lost their yak up north while pretty far out, and there was at least one fatality due to this.