Attention 8 footers


Undecided on the 6 foot marineland DD 300 gallon (72x36x27) or DAS 400 gallon (96x36x27). Do any 8 foot owners ever regret having the length and wish they stayed with a 6 footer?
Always go with the largest tank you have room for and/or can afford. That being said, go for the eight footer. Those dimensions are awesome!
If I had a 5 footer, I would want a 6. a 6 footer, I would want a 7. a 8 footer... etc lol I just luv upgrades!
I have a 6 x 3 x 2 (w,h,d) and even though an 8 would be nice I wish I had more room front to back.

In all seriousness... This is true. My dream tank is 4feet front to back and 10 feet long. Setup four side viewable.

This 24" front to back is very restrictive when you have both sides viewable. You lose so much space.
I not only went from six to eight feet this month, I even went acrylic. :)

No regrets whatsoever, hope you enjoy yours as much as I am mine.