Attn Aquatronica users


New member
Is there anyone who is familiar with the Aquatronica system who lives near, or travels near Boca Raton (glades Rd, Palmetto Park)? My Aquatronica crashed and I'm not familiar enough with it to troubleshoot with my dad over the phone (though I've tried), and I've already tried having him unplug it overnight to let the internal battery die and start up fresh again. We did this because the previous day it was frozen at 10:40 and none of the functions were working. So we're just trying to figure out how to get it working. If worse comes to worse, I'll just run without a calcium reactor and have my parents plug in the lights when convenient. I've tried connecting to a computer, but it cannot connect.

So yea, if anyone can lend a hand if they're in the area, I would really appreciate it. Of course there's also frags in it for you as well :)

Thank you!

Rogger, I would, but it's just something that's a big PITA to do over the internet, and then phone. I've also posted a thread in the Aquatronica forum, but noone has said anything yet, so that's why I figured I'd say something here as well.

Thanks though.

Thanks for the offer bishop. If it was anything else, I would definitely take you up on that though :) If you're ever in the neighborhood and wanna check out the tank or pick up some frags though, let me know man.
Eric, i wish I could help but mine never crashed ....yet! I will b einterested in finding out what happened and how you fix it. Keep me posted
I will. I'm kinda just stuck dead in the water with the controller. Good thing I havn't sold my temp controller yet. I've just switched the power bar to "manual" always-on mode for the mean-time, so parents can just plug and unplug as needed for 5 days till I'm home and get to troubleshoot it myself.

Argh. Isn't this why I buy an expensive controller in the first place? :(
I figured that it would be bulletproof. I dunno. We'll see. I just hope it's something really simple and stupid and it'll take 5 minutes of futzing around to get it back up and running again.
Thanks for the links Manny. I've contacted someone to see what I should do since I'm a second-hand buyer. Once they respond I'm going to either follow their directions or just contact Aquarium Obsessed.