August meeting - who's up for it?


New member
Right now we have the Aug meeting booked for Mon the 21st, 7PM Newark Library. Post if you're interested in attending, if we don't get 5+ I will cancel, and we will resume a normal schedule in Sept.
Well, I'm signing off for the next week+....
Mary when you get back let me know if you still need or want that 20 gallon rubbermaid container ok?
If not, I'll just use it for storage.
Looks like we have a few people, so let's go ahead with the meeting. We can keep it informal - frags, chit-chat, snacks, whatever. Are you up for it, Ken?
On another note, I got back from vacation to find that my AC wasn't working so well, and the tank is a mess. Luckily, I have mostly softies, but a few montis are starting to bleach. Everything always happens while you're away, right?
I don't think I need the rubbermaid, Dave. Thanks tho.
Yeah, no more excuses now that we're meeting right down the road!! Just ribbin' ya! Hope you can make it! - Mary
I plan on being there and may have a frag or two to trade. My yellow Gorgonian when I purchased it had to be split up and I now have 4-5 small pieces of LR with gorg attached. PM me if interested.

If anyone does want to trade please help me to remember to ask you how to bring it to the meeting. I'm a newby and don't want to realize I don't have something to bring it in right before the meeting.

When I ask this remember I'm new at this.

How should I bring my frags? I've never traded before. Also before I forget to tell anyone my salinity is a bit higher then many of your tanks may be so you can adjust your acclimation methods and time.
Well you could just put it in a sandwhich bag with water from your tank, then just double bag it so it doesn't leak? That is what I have seen many people do.
I knew it would involve something I didn't have that I could get in Walmart, lol. Knew that as soon I was standing in the place.
I think I may just bring a frag for you RBTA and leave the rest in my tank for now. I have no idea what the trading will be like and I also don't know what I would want to trade for yet.

I'm going to feel bad when I can't remember who is who in person. I am horrible with normal names, then when you have an online name and a normal name it's twice as hard, lol.
real reefers always have a closet full of every plastic bag they brough fish or frags home in from the LFS in their life. oh, and every rubber band too. its just one of those tell tale traits. you always think you will need them some day and just cant throw them out. you ought to see my collection...kinda like making the worlds largest ball of tin foil.