August Photo Const: Tank Shots!

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Nice picture and tank maroun.c
Did you take this picture with a fisheye lens?
Also looked at the other picture you didn't choose and I think it is a lot nicer than the one you posted no offense.
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Hello Fred.
No this wasn't taken with a Fisheye, This tank is Convex (or concave?) I wanted to take out the parts of the stand and canopy and maybe straighten the picture a bit however I guess this represents the curved tank as it truely is.
I'm glad you like the other picture. I couldn't decide between the two however considering that it was more a tank shot than a fish shot I thought this one being a nicer tank would fit in more. Thanks for your kind words
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Portion of 180 gallon

Portion of 180 gallon

Here is part of the middle of my 180 gallon tank:
which is better

which is better

I have so much trouble deciding on which photos are better. Please compare this to the one I posted 8/19 and tell me which one is better?
Cabin, the second photo is better, IMO.

Reefman, that's an Achilles Tang with the orange markings, a Purple Tang, and a Chevron Tang down below.
125g softie. The umbrella is about 14-16" across the kenya stretches out to almost 18"...Tank is covered, every square inch has something growing on it..Time for bigger tank.

***picture removed by gregr***
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