Aussie finger leather received in trouble


New member
Hi guys,

I got this Aussie finger leather in the mail today (shipment was delayed one day) and the stem/foot of the coral seems damaged like it's dying and detaching.

Is there anything I can do for this guy or is he cooked?

The supplier is very good and is m sure would issue a credit if it didn't make but I would like to implement emergency response measures if there are any.

Please let me know what you think. I was considering cutting the rot out and reattaching it to a rock with sollicone (I don't have any glue)


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IME seeing spicules is never a good sign.

I would frag it and use rubber bands or zip ties to secure the frags to discs or rubble.
What would you use to cut? A scalpel or something? I'm going to attempt some surgery tomorrow. I've watched a tutorial and feel somewhat confident in attempting this. If it has not deteriorated too much I should get a few very nice sized frags. Should I do a dip? I've got coral RX pro.
I have seen spicules on my finger leathers from time to time as they spread and "self-fragmented", so I would not assume the worst without giving it a chance to settle in - a little patience can sometimes be useful...
Looks to me that the base has been avulsed. You could wait, but when you see necrosis or dissolution it will probably be too late to do anything.

A scalpel or a sharp utility blade washed to remove the oily residue would be good. Make clean cuts, avoid sawing. Try for 1 smooth cut surface which looks and feels solid to attach to the rubble or frag disk. Coral glue or silicone won't work because of the mucus slime. Wearing gloves is a good idea. I've never dipped any coral so I can't give any advice about that. Secure the frags enough so they don't float away, place in an area of moderate flow and you should be good.
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Thanks guys. I'm going to check it out today and perform some fragging or surgery as necessary. I'll try to remember to document it in case anyone is interested and/or runs it to this again.
Did it. I hope it turns out well.

I pulled the leather and cut 1/2inch above the rotten section.i then took a rubber band and wrapped it to a price of rubble.


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