Auto Feed Options


New member
I'm purchasing a Profilux 3.1N eX and wondering what my options are for auto feeding. Ideally I'd like to be able to feed my fish from my smartphone while flying down a mountain on my snowboard. :dance:
Hmmm interesting!

I do know that GHL is currently in process of developing "Aps" for this very purpose. They are slated to be announced in around 6 weeks (that was noted last week) but until they are actually released who know when it will happen. Development always takes a lot longer than anticipated for any company so don't put that date on your calendar just yet.

I do know that there are a couple of others not affiliated with GHL who are also possibly creating Aps for the controller so hopefully someone will have SOMETHING available very soon.

I have my ProfiLux connected to my home network wirelessly and if I need to "Do" something I log into my laptop via my remote access software and start the ProfiLux PLC software. From inside the software you have pretty much TOTAL control over your ProfiLux and I make any changes from there. This requires a MAC or PC component at least for my set up but I would imagine there are other similar options I've just never seen it done from a smartphone.. yet.

Keep us updated on your ProfiLux build! :)
I spoke with Mattias recently and he assured me that it was to be submitted to Apple within a month or so. Apple will then take a bit to approve it. I'm a Mobile Software Engineer so I have some quite a bit of experience with iOS. I'll likely wait to see what the GHL offering is in the mobile space before I undertake an iOS build.

So assuming the worst case scenario and the app is not ready in the near future, and I'm accessing the Profilux with the already available software what are the easiest/recommended auto feeding options?
I'm not sure how you want to "Auto Feed". How is your tank fed? If it's via a electrical device that is On/Off via a switch or powercord you could simply plug it into a powerbar socket, assign it to the Feed mode, (I would imagine make it INVERSE so it's OFF normally and only ON during feed mode) and then when you hit Feed Pause it would turn off whatever pumps you're running (if you desire) and turn ON your feed device.

I would imagine there are tons of ways to do it with each one depending on how your system is set up. Part of the beauty of ProfiLux is the PROLOGIC where you can literally rock the sun once you understand how PL works. Once you have a unit in hand and installed you'll want to dig up some of the PL threads to get an idea of how they work. Once you get one figured out you simply roll that information/knowledge into your next PL command. I'm confident you'll have no trouble with that once you have a unit in hand.

I don't guess you have any experience with Droid OS and Droid Aps to be more specific do you? (sent from my Droid Razor MAXX LOL)
Unfortunately there are not a lot of autofeeders that operate off of turning on AC power cord. The superfeeder is great for large pellets but small ones just fall through. All the other auto feeders usually run on batteries and the ones that don't still have their own timers.
If anyone knows a good auto-feeder please let me know.
I'm not sure how you want to "Auto Feed". How is your tank fed? If it's via a electrical device that is On/Off via a switch or powercord you could simply plug it into a powerbar socket, assign it to the Feed mode, (I would imagine make it INVERSE so it's OFF normally and only ON during feed mode) and then when you hit Feed Pause it would turn off whatever pumps you're running (if you desire) and turn ON your feed device.

I would imagine there are tons of ways to do it with each one depending on how your system is set up. Part of the beauty of ProfiLux is the PROLOGIC where you can literally rock the sun once you understand how PL works. Once you have a unit in hand and installed you'll want to dig up some of the PL threads to get an idea of how they work. Once you get one figured out you simply roll that information/knowledge into your next PL command. I'm confident you'll have no trouble with that once you have a unit in hand.

I don't guess you have any experience with Droid OS and Droid Aps to be more specific do you? (sent from my Droid Razor MAXX LOL)

Actually lots of experience with Android OS as well.
How i did mine was bought a auto feeder that was ran by batteries and i could set it to feed multiple times a day. what i did was set the times on the AF and matched that with the profilux. This worked well and did everything i needed it to do. I have learned a few things doing it that way. How i had mine setup was the profilux would shut PH and pump off and around a min later the AF would dump the food in. Like i said it worked but would starting happening was the food sank straight down to the sand lodging behind a rock and in between the glass. I now have it setup to AF but the profilux does not go into AF mode. the powerheads are left on and the food is now thrown across the tank. Yea i could move the feeder to another location but then its in my way and risk the chance of knocking it into the tank. the only time i use the feeding mode on the profilux now is what im feeding corals and fish.
I now have it setup to AF but the profilux does not go into AF mode. the powerheads are left on and the food is now thrown across the tank. Yea i could move the feeder to another location but then its in my way and risk the chance of knocking it into the tank. the only time i use the feeding mode on the profilux now is what im feeding corals and fish.

I have a pair of powerheads that aren't on the Feed/Pause configuration and they keep running during the feed cycle. This helps greatly in keeping the food suspended during FP cycle but since the return pumps are shut down it's not taking food directly into the filter system.

i feed into my return pump which spreads the food around under the water. It doesnt last long enough to make it to the filter.
I have no issue using the superfeeder for all sizes of foods (pellets and flakes) and highly recommend it.

What size pellets do you use? The small ones will not stay inside the feeder I have. The med-large ones work great though. I have not tried flake but I'm assuming it will work as well.