Auto top-off systems question


Premium Member
I know this has been asked many times but what does everyone use for their auto top off unit? I've read some before but didn't pay much attention. My tank is back up against a wall, actually has a window behind it, with very limited space on either side. I don't have a sump unfortunately. So I guess I'd need something that can hang on the wall or something, by the tank. Any ideas? I've heard so many people say they're so easy and cheap. I'd love to set one up. thanks
I use an aqua lifter and a 10gal resivor. The switch is from (i got the dual switch unit and am quite happy)....the aqualifter can not handle much head though, so if you have to pump a ways you may need a dosing pump
I used to have a tall wrapping paper container by my 29g, and it topped off the tank for about 5 days (.5 to 1g per day).

All you need is that $10 container, a float switch, an extension cord and an aqua lifter or powerhead to get the water into the tank.
I use a passive system. I have a float valve fitted with 1/4 platstic line in the sump and a 5gallon pail that is rasied connected to that, I started a syphon and connect the line. As long as I keep the pail full the level stays fine. And no need for pumps and if the valve stuck open only 5 gallons could get into the sump.