Yes, it is always a see saw and someone somewhere in the world gets shorted, we can't make enough. Unfortunately for the US we require a special transformer, the vast majority of the world is 230v. We are a completely seperate production run of a product that is already difficult to make. The plastic parts are cast by a machine and the circuit boards are now surface mount but human hands have to assemble it and finish all the wiring and then it is tested twice before it leaves. I made 6100 Streams the last time I was at the factory and I estimated from my labor and the labor of the 5 ladies on the production line, 1.5 man hours went into each pump if I include the electrican who assembled the driver and the other ladies who poured the resin and assembled the coil. It is painstakingly slow and if a pump makes too much noise the whole line will be stopped to investigate if a part is out of spec. 3-4 years ago we weren't so careful and we figure we lost customers because maybe 100 pumps that weren't so good went out and we vowed it would never happen again, not everyone gives you a chance to make good, we would rather send nothing than bad product. It drives me up the wall, I don't like being short anymore than the customers do but I also am happy to say that we keep our reputation this way and if you are paying for our quality, you better get it.