Avast Reactor leaking, need advice on it's repair.


Hey everybody, I recently bought a used Avast bio pellet reactor from a fellow on here. It was one of the DIY kits they sell that you put together yourself. The gentleman that sold it to me had the original manual and gave me some of the the Weld-on acrylic cement. It is just a couple of small leaks, nothing that flooded my floor or anything but yesterday at work I was worried, so I took it offline, put the pellets back in the Phosban 150.

My question is should I try and strip all the acrylic cement off and start from scratch or can I just run another bead of the cement over the original weld? I have NO experience in working with acrylic. Thanks for your help.



Cement given to me:

I would try weld on 3 . It's the liquid version and should flow into the cracks better. I have plenty to spare but I am in Bradenton. ..
OK, I take it Home Depot or Lowes probably doesn't carry this stuff?

I have some #3 and a syringe. I can fix you up. Just PM me or stop by after work :). No need to buy a whole can of it. It will flow into the areas that are not sealed. Might want to scrape some of the excess off, but....

Alright Mike, sounds good, I can stop by today if that works for you. I can be there shortly after 5. I'd like to check out the new stain in person ! Thanks.
Sorry about that, it wasnt leaking for me when I had it running but its been in the garage for months. Check alignment of the top plate, if its at an angle the oring won't seal properly. What I would do is install the top plate then twist 180° to 360° then screw on the 4 plastic screws, this way it seats properly.
No , no problem Pedro, I knew I was buying used that it hadn't been USED for awhile and the leak was really inconsequential. It reallyu was just a drip that probably would have stopped up with salt creep over time but just for peace of mind I wanted to seal it up. I really like the way it stirs the bio-pellets, I haven't experienced any clumping like in the phosban 150. I was also in a local fish store over the weekend and heard a guy telling an employee about his Phosban springing a huge leak from the Oring getting slimey. He said two little fishies told him not to use for pellets. So I was happy to have gotten yours. I'm happy with my purchase!