Average price of Ricordia Polyps

I am seeing the price of rics coming down alot over the last year. I paid 30$ for a double mouth tri color ric about 11 months ago. I was in a semi local fish store a few weeks back and i could have bought yellow rics for 8 bucks a polyp.
My lfs sells ricordea for $65 a polyp for like the purple/orange ones and some other nice color morphs (that are not worth that much) and people don't buy them so the lfs doesn't get them in anymore. They have some blue rics for $12.99 each but they've had them for a couples months now and there are like 5 left and no one is buying them because they are so small now. I keep asking them if they are going to reduce the price since the rics are really small now and I know no one is going to buy them but they won't. I might grab one and see if I can get two for twenty... but they are worth like $5 each now...