Averting Disaster?


New member
Last night I had a large turbo snail get stuck in on of my durso drain pipes. I have an auto top off, and it caused a .0001 drop in the salinity (.0025-.0024).

I am thinking about drilling several holes in the standpipes so that the water will still be able to drain. Does this sound like a good idea, or will it create excess noise or problems?

why not fix the problem at the root?

real problem - animals getting in the overflow, stop them from going in, whether is a price fish, snail, ect.

lunchbucket's pic

on my setup I just cut a piece of star board I had lying around, and not even micro snails can get in, you can use acrylic, ect best would be not transparent so no light gets in which is better to keep things in there nice and clean, without ugly algae which does best with light and low flow...
