AWESOME New Local Coral Shop!!!


Premium Member
Hey Guys! I found an AWESOME new coral/fish shop in Lombard!


I really wanted to post this because I got these whole colonies (The smallest size of coral colonies they carry is as big as a baseball!) for what I have paid many many times for just frags. My pictures do not do their coral justice. The softball sized dark pink birds nest had two symbiotic crabs living with it! The purple/blue rock had hundreds of bright zoa's and I could'nt have even touched 30 polyps for the same price! There were so many color morphs and varieties that I left with over six pieces!

Mark and Mike were very helpful and extremely knowledgeable about both the husbandry and compatibility of coral's and the livestock that exists well with it. (I chatted with him for over an hour)

Not to be annoyingly happy... But I had to let others know about their store because we all deserve to get the best products for the best prices. And it's local so no shipping charges!

They have a ton of coral (soon uncommon fish) on site and all of their products are top of the line! You can get all of it at very reasonable prices! Plus their shop is immaculate!

They have another shipment of coral coming in tonight and I'll be over there tomorrow to get first dibs (Hopefully). They can also order just about anything for you and get it there in most cases by the next day.

Thank's for reading my lengthy post!
Looks like they just opened shop, worth a call I guess:

"Give us a call 1-630-396-0450 Mark or Mike"
I just got off the phone with them and they do not have a store front. It is mainly tank service. He said that he can order anything you want... he mainly deals with coral
Hey guy's let me clarify. They run a maintenance service (no storefront) and because of this they have to have large selection of coral for those accounts. Since they have a lot of extra coral on hand they offer it for local pickup only at awesome prices.
not sure where wholesale came from, their online posted prices are hardly that....perhaps for walk in's they deal with you differently, but as a small "shop" i would guess they are not in the wholesale biz...
I have to agree. I stopped over there last week, and they have a lot of nice stuff- it is their basement. Mark was great, he even dropped the two brains I got from him at my house. How's that for customer service!
Their prices are not high at all, (not the same as their website) and I would imagine it is because they are small they can keep prices down. (Less overhead) As for wholesale? I didn't get that impression. Had a bunch of really nice stuff, for great prices. I just wanted to give them a friendly post because they were very helpful, had great prices, and a nice selection.
I was just there today and they do have an awesome inventory of coral. I purchased 2 dozen green chromis and an awesome medium teal blue staghorn. The chromis were less than your standard mail order price and the medium staghorn was unbelievable in price and came with an acro crab. They must have a good relationship with their supplier because they to get premium coloured sps unlike most other suppliers that mostly sell you a typical brown, green or pink acro.

I spent a few minutes with mark. He is a builder by trade and wants to build a business around providing complete reef setups from the custom cabinetry, tank, equipment and livestock all tailored to the individual home or office.

Also has anyone heard of Reeflux 12k bulbs. He uses these on his personal tank and it looks great without supplemental vho lighting.

I worked for the Village of Lombard for 28 yrs. I guess I need to find out where they're hiding.... LOL

I am using the reeflux 12K on my tank now. 2X250MH. They have been on for 8 hr. day's for over two week's now and I have not noticed a reduction in coral growth (was using Ushio 10K). Plus, the color is awesome. My coral colors look really brigt under them. If you look at the report on RC from a while back, I believe it get's a really good par rating with a lot more life than a 20K or 14K. You also get a nice glow and the same brightness as a 10K IMO...

Didn't get a chance to get out there today... haha... You probably got the piece I wanted...

What airline do you fly for, out of O'Hare or Midway? My husband is a pilot for SWA.

Sorry for any spelling errors. It won't let me do the spell check option from my phone...
i just visited marks house today so i can pick up some corals and let me tell you, he has 15 huge fishtanks in the basement, some of the best coral colonies of acroporas and zoos i have ever see. he has the best prices i ever heard on hardware. he has me as a customer for as long as hes going to run his business in the area!!!! he gave me some real nice coral frags for free, i cant wait to see them grow out. thanks mark! ill definitely be back, but keep that dog in the back next time, ITS NOT A BABY LIKE YOU SAY LOL i was a bit terrified, i cant wait to visit again!