AWESOME New Local Coral Shop!!!

its a chocolate lab lol im not too found of big dogs, i have a dog smaller then my shoe. dont be scared pufferpunk, its worth the trip
"Also has anyone heard of Reeflux 12k bulbs. He uses these on his personal tank and it looks great without supplemental vho lighting."

I run 250w SE Reeflux 12K's on an HQI ballast (this overdrives the bulb) and I am pretty pleased with them. They seem to put out enough PAR to handle a 24" deep tank, but I wouldn't put 'em on anything taller than that. The color is very nice and I agree that supplemental lighting isn't necessary. However, I could've sworn that these bulbs had a very low PAR output in comparison to other SE 250w bulbs according to Sanjay Joshi's recent study.....

Now the 250w DE Reeflux 12k bulbs are a whole different story IMO. I have seen them on 4 different tanks and they are 100% crap (if ya ask me :) ) . They are very dim and the color is horrible in comparison to the SE. If you are going DE, then check out the Ushio 14K. These bulbs are amazing, but you'll probably want to add some supplemental actinic lighting to offset the yellowness of the bulb...
Just wanted to reiterate what everyone has been saying on this thread. I just stopped over and saw Mark today and was truly impressed with his selection and pricing. He had all the corals and inverts you would want at very reasonable prices.

Try to check Mark's place's awesome!
Yea do check it out. I've picked up some very nice pieces already. Mark is a great guy.

When I get home from work tonight I will take a couple pictures of the stuff I got.
Todd... I see I have competition for the cool coral. (grinning) You got some really nice stuff.

It was great seeing you again. I'll post my new pictures later as well.
Everything opened up the moment it went into my tank.

My electronic ballasts came in today. I'm going with Dan tomorrow to get my stuff, and his new luminarcs (sp) will be there as well. If that cool verbosa (sp) sps is still there it's coming home with me! Mwahaha!!!
Sadly, this is true... (evil smile) I promise (fingers crossed) to behave next time.

(laughing) You can't blame me for hording the cotton candy sps. Hehe... After it's been in my tank for a while I'll break you off a nice sized piece, but I get to keep the crab's! (so wrong sounding) Can the sps crabs breed with each other? They are cute little buggers!

He get's more in Friday I think? I'll call him later. You are going to pee when you see all the color in my tank!

After five more hours (frustrated look) I finally got the rocks mostly where I want them. I need a bigger tank! haha
Okay, I've uploaded my pictures. Let me say that my camera HATES my lights, so the colors are off, but it will give you some what of an idea.

This one is pinkish/purple with blue tips.


This one is yellowish with reddish tips


And here is an attempt of a top down shot of the zoas I picked up. There are two colors, a bunch of purple and a bunch of peach ones. Some are closed up because I had knocked the rock over before I took the pictures.

Thanks Dave, I tried that, but my camera only has a couple of presets for white balance, no user defined settings. With 14K bulbs, nothing turns out at all.

If I ever stop buying corals, I might be able to buy a new camera. ;)

Been away for a while. My wife is with SouthWest I'm with SkyWest. As far as the Reeflux Bulbs go I moved some brown corals under XM 10K to my new SPS tank and immediatly I noticed a significant colour change.

I'm stoppong by at ReefDepot tommorrow as I heard he got a new shipment of SPS and LPS. Hopefully they will be as good as his last shipment.

stopped by there today. mark is a real nice guy, had some good stuff and the prices were very reasonable. he said he was getting a new shipment in tonight.
Hi Bill,

(grinning) Perhaps I'll run into you there. What time are you going? I am hoping he got another blue milli colony. The one in the main tank is awesome! How long has your wife been at SWA? My husband was curious.

Suliaman, I'm glad you got a chance to get out there. He really does have a nice selection, and soon he will have fish as well, plus the prices can't be beat.

I'm picking up my new 250W electronic ballasts tomorrow, 300gl tropic marin salt sack, and coral. My friend Dan is getting his new luminarcs and reeflux 12K bulbs.

I just need to get pictures up!

Thank's again Mark and Mike! Ya'l are awesome!
I was there yesterday and spoke with Mark for about 45 minutes about starting a new set up. He was very helpful and gave a lot of constructive input. The corals are awesome, and the prices are very reasonable. There are also great prices on dry goods. I will definitely shop at this place. Too bad it is located far from me or else I would be there everyday.
Lucky43032- it is by appt only, in Lombard off roosevelt a couple blocks south, near Villa Park border. not a shop, but a lower level of a house devoted to some awesome tank setups in support of their business.