AZ FRAG Holiday Party 2015 December 12th


AZ FRAG President
I hope everyone is excited, because it's that time of year when we are having our AZ FRAG Holiday Party!!

Saturday, December 12, 2015 from 2:00pm until 4:00pm

Prankster's Too
7919 E. Thomas Rd. (SW corner of Thomas and Hayden) Scottsdale , AZ 85251

This will be our third annual election for the board of AZ FRAG. There will be five positions to be voted upon. The current officers are all re-running for their same positions, with the exception of Secretary. If you'd like to nominate yourself or someone else please do so in the thread below. Only AZ FRAG Members in good standing will be allowed to run and vote this year.

The 2015 AZ FRAG nominees (so far) are:
President - Jason "Frick"
Vice President - Hunter "œevolved"
Treasurer - Wayne
Secretary -
Corresponding Secretary- Eric "zibba"

What will happen at the Holiday Party?
2:00 p.m. - We will start by announcing any club business and the nominees for the election and hand out ballots. The nominees will be given a few minutes to get up on stage and campaign for their position (if they wish). Next, we'll ask everyone to fill out their ballot and turn them in at the main stage. You will have until 3:00 p.m. to place your completed ballot in the box.

2:30-3:00 p.m. - We will have the Secret Santa again. If you would like to play please bring a nice FRAG (no gag frags like Anthelia, Xenia , GSP, Blue Cloves, Aiptasia) for the game. Please label your cup with the coral name/description! You do not need to wrap your frag. Put the frag in a small container or styro cup. Then give it to me so I can put it in a bag and set up at the front. When we are ready, everyone participating will draw a number and lowest number picks and so on. When you choose, you can pick an unopened frag off the table or steal someone's frag. We will do our best to announce what each container holds as it's picked and opened off the table. It's up to you to remember who picked what if you wish to steal. Each frag may be stolen up to three times. After an item is stolen three times, it can no longer be stolen and remains with that person. You are also not permitted to steal back an item which was just stolen from you; you may steal it back however if you've had another item interim. Whoever goes first has the option to take an additional turn after the person with the highest number has taken their turn.

3:00-3:10 p.m. - Ballots will be tallied and the 2014 winners will then be announced.

3:15-4:00 p.m. - As we did last year we plan to have some great raffles again. As always, AZ FRAG raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5, and each registered member receives one free raffle ticket.

This year's grand raffle items include:
One large bubble coral
Three Trachyphyllias
A Reef Dynamics INS180S skimmer
And a used 120g tank and metal stand!!!
Plus more!

Many chances to win something!

Finally, if you would like to sell or trade at this meeting please use this thread to post what you have with prices and preferably pictures.

Happy Holidays from AZ FRAG. We hope to see you all there.
Sweet, cant wait. Ill bring a frag of some nice zoas for the xchange and definitely more raffle $ than usual. Will list a few frags this weekend Ill have for sale also.
So I plan on donating a pair of clownfish for the raffle. I'll have a list of fish available to pick from & then the winner can pick 2. I'll also bring some Reef Stew.
Dry Goods I can Bring: (tanks will only be brought if claimed beforehand)

46galon Bowfront - light scratching that is hard to notice when full. $60
55gallon long - $50
(2) 48" acticinic T5HO bulbs (about 2 weeks of use on them) $5 each $8 for both(generic brand)
(2) 48" 10k T5HO bulbs (brand new) $5 each $8 for both(generic brand)
HOB Fuge ~1gallon, comes with clear acrylic box and tube for pump, would need a new $5-10 pump to run - $20
Chinese Black Box 120w full spec LED(UV LEDs are burnt out) $40
(on LED I pulled the lens' so they are 120* optics, I will include the 90* lenses with the unit)
I also have a couple dead Jebao WP40's, the controllers light up but the powerheads stopped working(both are about 5yrs old) Id take $10 for both to be used for parts if anyone wants them.'

Also open to offers.

Ill look tonight and llist a few frags I will be bringing as well.
Here is the recent update to the AZ FRAG board member positions that are in the running.

President - Jason "Frick"
Vice President - Hunter “evolved”
Treasurer - Wayne
Secretary - Eric "zibba"
Corresponding Secretary- Caitlin Nichole
Here's the aquarium and skimmer you can win tomorrow.
