[B]Call for Nominations : NCPARS Board of Directors [/B]


New member
Call for Nominations : NCPARS Board of Directors

NCPARS will be holding its annual elections for NCPARS officers and at-large members of the Board of Directors at the March 24 swap. We are seeking new board members who are willing to help with club administration and management, and who will help us brainstorm on how the club should grow and what kinds of activities we should undertake as a group.

Must be willing to attend regular online meetings several times per year
Must be willing to help out with planning and executing club activities
Extensive reefkeeping experience is NOT required… an interest in helping NCPARS remain an active and growing club IS

Procedures: If you know someone who would make a good board member, or if you yourself are interested in being on the board, please email Michelle Lemech, Nominating Committee, at vote@ncpars.org. Please send us the name, Reef Central ID, and email address of the person you are nominating, along with a couple of sentences telling us who they are and why they should be on the BOD. Self nominations are welcome.

At the swap, we will take additional nominations, and ask nominees to say a few words about themselves to the voters.

We will be holding elections specifically for NCPARS President, Vice-President, Vice-President of Public Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, and at-large members.

Michelle Lemech
NCPARS nominating committee

Mods please sticky.
Great work Michelle.
Thanks for keeping on top of things! Can you post who has been nominated as they are nominated here? See you at the swap.
I think the only names that should be publicy posted are ones where the nominees have accepted the nomination.

We've had some trouble getting in touch with Poconofishy about the list of nominees. At the moment, we may need to take nominations at the swap. If so, we will have blank ballots and everyone will write in the people they are voting for.

We still need new members of the board, there will be a lot of turnover, and so please encourage your friends and fellow reefers to join and serve as board members!
Hi Guys
Sorry you've been unable to reach me. We did have some nominations and a couple people did accept those nominations, but I'm not sure we will be have all that we need so don't be shy, step up to the place, you can nominate yourself!
Accepted Nominations thus far:
Ron Hoover vice president

Mary Miller (Lawmary) at large director
My qualifications include: I am an attorney, a business owner, and have served as President of my church council, on two nonprofit boards, on my church synod council and I serve on my local Boy scout district committee. I am a highly organized person and a good communicator. I am interested in both the frag swaps and the local educational components of the club and would like to help them succeed.

Bobby Nawrocki (psusocr) at large diector
I'm very flattered to be nominated for this postion. I think I can be a big help to the NCPARS orginazation in the fact that i have some great ideas . I would also accept all of the responsibilites that comes along with the job and fullfill all of my duties to the best of my ability.
I think that Bobby Nawrocki is moving out of the area (he is selling off his tank stuff on RC), so I suspect he is not actually a candidate any longer.

We will be calling for more nominees at the member meeting Saturday.
Did you guys hold the election at the swap? I was curious about the results..somebody should post them.

I couldn't make it to the swap and since I haven't paid 2007 dues yet I really didn't push the issue...like folks in the past. :)

..but I'm curious who won?

Hey Kevin,

Here is a list of the winners of the election.

Rick Pucciarella President(rickyfins)
Ron Hoover V.P.(sixpackrt)
Brad Kindig V.P. of Public Affairs(BMKindig)
Dan Rigle Secretary(rigleautomotive)
Mary Miller Treasurer(lawmary)
Vickie Clements At Large Director(cinnamongirl)
Michelle Lemech At Large Director(poconofishy)

I feel like I am forgetting something or someone. Its been a rough couple of days for me. I have been forced to move suddenly and a number of other things so I am sorry if this is not totally accurate. Please forgive me in advance.
OH and the Club ammended the bylaws to change our yearend date. We are Officially done with NPO stuff with the IRS!
Done as in...we are completely NPO, or done as in we're not NPO? Sorry to bug..I wanted to be there..just too much happening.


We are officially a NPO with all the IRS approvals in place.

There was only one position on the board contested, so in reality there was election for the one position - the president.

Thanks Sanjay.

Dan is the only name on the list I didn't recognize...I'm not sure if we've met..but with my lacking memory when it comes to names who knows!

But it looks pretty good...some welcomed new faces in there. I knew we'd get Mary on the board eventually! :)
