baby Red Sea Regal Angel

Also....the lfs is selling a couple babies for $40? thats awefully low for this fish, no? I haven't seen the fish yet, so i'm afraid the yaren't healthy or are just tough to raise from so small?
$40 is probably about the price for a regal given or take $5-$10 on either side though smaller individual fish some times go for more as people can place them in smaller tanks than a larger one.

At .75" it's a pretty small fish, probably still has Juv colors also, and there is a risk that it would eat right away which because of it size could be a death wish. On the possitive side a lot of times smaller fish do seem to make it and adjust better than large ones.
Well its in nj and its about 80 miles from my house :)
But i love road trips and haven't been to this new store yet.
Though I agree with marrone that usually smaller fish adapt better to captivity, I believe this is not the case with regals. If you check out the Regal thread, I don't think anyone there bought a baby. And .75" is too small for any fish frankly...a big risk. JMO/E
Beautiful fish at a great price, good luck! Let us know what you end up with when you get back. :) Not to hijack your thread but is there something special that needs to be done to transport them safely that far? One of the best LFSs around here is about a 45-55 minute drive from my house and I've been wondering if transporting them that far in a bag will stress them out too much.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6909847#post6909847 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SDguy
Though I agree with marrone that usually smaller fish adapt better to captivity, I believe this is not the case with regals. If you check out the Regal thread, I don't think anyone there bought a baby. And .75" is too small for any fish frankly...a big risk. JMO/E

I would have to agree with you on that. 0.75 inches isn't just a juvi, it's probably only several months old. I don't even know if RTC sell their angels that small, and those are captive bred and much hardier. Regals under 2" are usually somewhat transparent, at .75", I doubt it would have much of any color at all. They may be selling a fish that isn't a regal as a regal (you never know).
I've seen very small Koran, Queens and Emperors that size that aren't transparent but Regals are smaller than all of those angels so it's possible that they're either transparent or may have some color but not much. At that size it's very risky that the fish will make it, and even if the fish is eating it will take quite some time before it's out of the woods.

With all the different names that fish go by you never know what your getting some times.
just got home......didn't get one.
i will wait until my lfs can get a healthy, slightly larger and colored one in.
thanks for advice
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6910335#post6910335 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LauraCline
Beautiful fish at a great price, good luck! Let us know what you end up with when you get back. :) Not to hijack your thread but is there something special that needs to be done to transport them safely that far? One of the best LFSs around here is about a 45-55 minute drive from my house and I've been wondering if transporting them that far in a bag will stress them out too much.

Just make sure the LFS uses a good sized bag, and pure oxygen. Brink your own cooler/styro, with lid. And you're good to go. lfs just got his shipment and he got a Juv. Majestic and a Juv. Emp......both healthy, so i'll give them a look friday :)
* any opinions on either of those??