New member
So I've been hovering about RC for some time now and have absorbed so much useful information, I would like to thank everyone for that. I realized that I've been somewhat of a parasite in that manner, gathering all this knowledge without giving anything back. This is a great resource that only works if its members contribute, and for that reason I finally decided to begin a thread about my current tank.
I'll start with a quick background of my exposure to the hobby. Although I grew up with aquariums in the house, it wasn't until I worked at a pet store in high school that I became intrigued by reef tanks. I then started my first reef tank, which was a simple mixed 20 gallon. I quickly progressed to a 125 that contained mostly SPS and tridacnid clams. This tank had the works, a DIY calcium reactor, precision marine skimmer, 40 gallon sump, 20 gallon refugium with macro-algae, another 10 gallon refugium with mangroves, VHO lights etc., etc. This tank was simple, I hardly ever performed maintenance and it always looked great. In a way I wasn't learning much, everything ran so smoothly I didn't need to learn. I soon graduated college and entered the real world, and with regret I exited the hobby to free up me and resources.
Fast forward a few years and my interest was renewed. I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go so I decided to ease my way back in. I raided my parents' basement to see what old equipment I had left behind that may be useful. I'll hold back the details for now, but after a few weeks of building I ended up with this:

I apologize that I didn't construct a build thread at that time as I myself find them inspirational. So here are the specs: 25 gallon high, DIY LED light (consists of CREE LEDs, 13 RB, 6 CW, 4 NW and 2 moonlights), DIY Arduino controller (dims to simulate sunrise/sunset and simulates moon phases), VorTech MP10, Ranco temperature controller, and a CPR BakPak skimmer. This isn't my ideal set-up as I prefer sumps and bad a$$ skimmers, but I have reasons for this specific set up that I'll describe in another post.
At any rate, I've learned more in the last few months than in my previous(and thus far, more successful) endeavor. I firmly believe that this is due to the set-up limitations of a smaller tank. To those with thriving nano tanks, I salute you. That's all for now, once I figure out the best way to document the life of this tank retrospectively I will continue. Feel free to ask me questions, that's what we are all here for. Also feel free to provide insight/criticism as I continually strive to improve my proficiency in this hobby.
I'll start with a quick background of my exposure to the hobby. Although I grew up with aquariums in the house, it wasn't until I worked at a pet store in high school that I became intrigued by reef tanks. I then started my first reef tank, which was a simple mixed 20 gallon. I quickly progressed to a 125 that contained mostly SPS and tridacnid clams. This tank had the works, a DIY calcium reactor, precision marine skimmer, 40 gallon sump, 20 gallon refugium with macro-algae, another 10 gallon refugium with mangroves, VHO lights etc., etc. This tank was simple, I hardly ever performed maintenance and it always looked great. In a way I wasn't learning much, everything ran so smoothly I didn't need to learn. I soon graduated college and entered the real world, and with regret I exited the hobby to free up me and resources.
Fast forward a few years and my interest was renewed. I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go so I decided to ease my way back in. I raided my parents' basement to see what old equipment I had left behind that may be useful. I'll hold back the details for now, but after a few weeks of building I ended up with this:

I apologize that I didn't construct a build thread at that time as I myself find them inspirational. So here are the specs: 25 gallon high, DIY LED light (consists of CREE LEDs, 13 RB, 6 CW, 4 NW and 2 moonlights), DIY Arduino controller (dims to simulate sunrise/sunset and simulates moon phases), VorTech MP10, Ranco temperature controller, and a CPR BakPak skimmer. This isn't my ideal set-up as I prefer sumps and bad a$$ skimmers, but I have reasons for this specific set up that I'll describe in another post.
At any rate, I've learned more in the last few months than in my previous(and thus far, more successful) endeavor. I firmly believe that this is due to the set-up limitations of a smaller tank. To those with thriving nano tanks, I salute you. That's all for now, once I figure out the best way to document the life of this tank retrospectively I will continue. Feel free to ask me questions, that's what we are all here for. Also feel free to provide insight/criticism as I continually strive to improve my proficiency in this hobby.