Bad luck


New member
So I took my tanks temperature controller off for 1 day to lend to a friend for a project. I returned just a few minutes ago at around midnight to find my tank at 91 degrees...I have no idea when the heater went crazy so it could've been like that for hours. Just goes to show how important it is to always have redundancy in the system. It doesnt look very good from a quick look over, I'll look more closely tomorrow morning and post an update...

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So I took my tanks temperature controller off for 1 day to lend to a friend for a project. I returned just a few minutes ago at around midnight to find my tank at 91 degrees...I have no idea when the heater went crazy so it could've been like that for hours. Just goes to show how important it is to always have redundancy in the system. It doesnt look very good from a quick look over, I'll look more closely tomorrow morning and post an update...

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I'm not sure whats completely dead and what's just badly injured. I can say for sure that my frogspawn is gone and I'm pretty sure my acros are gone as well. Last night a moved one of my HOB carbon filters over from my freshwater tank to combat any chemical spikes and I made a fan blow over the water. I'm going to wait another day before I start pulling things out that way I'm sure I'm only pulling out dead coral.

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That is bad luck. I will say I lived in Tampa for 11 years and never used a heater on any of my tanks.
I hate that happened. I had a heater go nuts on me one time as well but I was lucky enough to catch it before the temp went over 85 degrees. Its because of this incident I don't run heaters any more. I will say that a lot of the coral I counted out as dead came back with time and some tank TLC. I wish the best for you and Im not sure where you are located but I live in Ocala and would gladly give you a few frags to help you out.
Oh man.... that's a bummer. I lost a full tank of beautiful, rare discus the same way. Now, I only run the heater​ with a controller.

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I hate that happened. I had a heater go nuts on me one time as well but I was lucky enough to catch it before the temp went over 85 degrees. Its because of this incident I don't run heaters any more. I will say that a lot of the coral I counted out as dead came back with time and some tank TLC. I wish the best for you and Im not sure where you are located but I live in Ocala and would gladly give you a few frags to help you out.
Thanks, what's exactly is TLC? I live in citrus Park btw.

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Ouch, that hurts. I personally would wait a lot longer before pulling corals. I've had stuff that I thought were goners after a controller failure come back. Good luck with the recovery.
Sorry this happened.

Unfortunately running open top tanks without halides I am forced to run a heater. Cold water slows coral growth too much for my liking.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'll probably wait a few weeks before I pull corals since it seems like I may be suprised by what survived. I'm going to Europe for 3 weeks next Friday so I will see what's come back once I return. I don't absolutely need a heater but I do get 1-2 degree swings without one. I think I'll leave the heater out for a while and see how the temperature fairs.

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I havent ran a heater in over 3 years running LED's and my system runs between 78 and 82 on average. The fluctuation in temp has never bothered any of my corals. Of course thats just me
Do the people who don't run heaters keeps SPS? I thought that they where sensitive to any change.

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never run a heater in Florida and with LEDs, temp in house kept around 76, and tank stays around that plus or minus a degree. never an issue. big fast changes are the issue, but if you dont use a heater you also dont get the fluctuation, as your home temp stays relatively stable that the water stays consistent. colder in the winter and warmer in the summer, just like reefs. even the water temps in the Keys, etc dip into the low 70s or high 60s during the winter, and they do great. more natural i suppose as well to have the seasonal changes. probably a bit less evaporation perhaps as well since water temp closer to air temps
Do the people who don't run heaters keeps SPS? I thought that they where sensitive to any change.

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Yes, my 100 gallon tank was primarily SPS and I didn't really have any issues, but my house was always 77 so the tank stayed close to that.

I understand wanting to keep it exactly the same since it removes a variable, but unless you are keeping really sensitive stuff a degree or two of drift shouldn't matter too much. I always figured the risk outweighed the positives as I've read so many heater horror stories on this site.
BTW, interesting thread:

asically you can find that everyone has a different opinion based on what they personally do, and all over the place with temperatures. All with success. Oh, and the link includes the typically internet tough guys and smart yeah.

dont throw away anything yet, give it some time to recover. you might be surprised.