Bad tang - need advice


New member
Is there anything to do with a tang that bullies other fish? I'm thinking of taking him out but it's the best looking purple tang I've ever seen and I've had him 7 years so I'm attached. But I hate that he is a bully.

Should I get a second tang to put him in his place. Don't send the tang police.

Remove him to the very small sump? It's a 30 gallon but it's cut in thirds.

Or get him out and sell him?

Anyone in Broward have a fish trap I can borrow for a few days?
Try printing out pics of larger purple tangs and taping them facing in. He should calm down. Remove them one by one over a few days. I have to do it now and again for my sohal. It works well and is easy just save the pics for next time he steps out of line.
Try printing out pics of larger purple tangs and taping them facing in. He should calm down. Remove them one by one over a few days. I have to do it now and again for my sohal. It works well and is easy just save the pics for next time he steps out of line.

Would this work for a clown tang a well? I don't have one but would love to get one but their aggressiveness I keep hearing about makes me shy away from picking one up
Try printing out pics of larger purple tangs and taping them facing in. He should calm down. Remove them one by one over a few days. I have to do it now and again for my sohal. It works well and is easy just save the pics for next time he steps out of line.

That's funny. I hang a mirror on the side of the tank. He goes crazy. I'll put a few more up. That shoud keep him busy.
That's funny. I hang a mirror on the side of the tank. He goes crazy. I'll put a few more up. That shoud keep him busy.

Mirrors are ok, but since the fish isn't bigger than him it will just distract him while they are up. When you put the big fish up he shouldn't want to challenge them for dominance and will be less aggressive. My Sohal learned REALLY quick if he is bad the big fish show up. Lol.

I know nothing about clown tangs, but Sohals are pretty aggressive and it works for mine. Fish are individuals though.
Try printing out pics of larger purple tangs and taping them facing in. He should calm down. Remove them one by one over a few days. I have to do it now and again for my sohal. It works well and is easy just save the pics for next time he steps out of line.

Amazingly intuitive idea. Those that are trying this or have tried, please post your results!
Amazingly intuitive idea. Those that are trying this or have tried, please post your results!

Well I can't take all the credit. My 7 year old son came up with this plan after we tried the mirror. He said he was thinking like a fish. I was impressed.
excellent Idea makes complete sense you can probably do this before buying a second tang and hope the original stays familiar with the image to make it less stressful and shocking.