Bad water, salt, aquascaping ????

Or we can just go out and get a RO/DI unit and be done with it!!! :)
I have the 75GPH BulkReefSupply 5 Stage Plus.
Andy has the Meleev's one which was another one i was thinking about getting. I think they are pretty inexpensive and will save your back from carrying water around. Thanks

Steffen Sparks

I went to Marc Levenson house in Dallas when he had is tank and he's one of the most humble guys I have met with all the knowlage he has and shares it is incredible, well I'm talking about him cause he's the one that sells the RO/DI and TDS.
Yeah, buying the RODI would be a problem solver for sure. I am sure that TCR can order one for you. You don't need a fancy one yet, just one that does the job. For Christmas, i am def buying a 5 stage w/tds. Its a pain in the @ss to keep getting DI water at the local drink. I think BRS and TB aquatics has a good sale on their 4 stage systems. I have also seen them for sale on the national sale forum for as low as 40 bills. You would just have to get the filters and resin for it.

Since you already moved the rocks, on your next water change, vacuum out the sand but only do 1/3. So every time you do a water change, do 1/3rd at a time till you have completely vacuumed the sand bed. It really sounds that it is the source of water and collection of nutrients in the sand bed that have not been broken down that might be causing the cyano outbreak.
well i made sure to do a water change after i moved the rocks around, and even left the vortech on to make sure i got stuff out. it could have been this but i figured the skimmer would have been pulling more crud if that was the case? still wish i knew about the water. ill keep yall posted. thanks again.
been skimming wet, and also cleaned out the powerhead on my refugium, you guys were right that thing was dirTAY, so more flow in the refugium seems to be helping already. no joke. will keep ya posted, no water change just yet.
been skimming wet for almost a week now, didnt change lighting schedule and also fed normally, cyano is pretty much all gone, still havent done water change just yet. i wonder if i maybe need to be skimming wetter ??? but i usually have to be home in case it flows over. hmmmmm //???