Ball valve


New member
I had a hard time finding these ball valves for flexible tubing (non kink). Just to be sure I wanted to ask if these were the ball valves I could use under my tank for the sump. i'm interested is BV07B . This is the ball valvue that will connect to tubing that is 3/4 inside diameter correct? I am filling up my 75 tomorrow with water and sand and want to know that the right ball value for my sump will be on it way.


Hi Ryan,

The BV07B is the one you are looking for. This one has the barbed fittings on it that will allow you to slide your 3/4" hose over the ends of it. You would then want to use some plastic hose clamps to clam this down to ensure you do not have any leaks.

Thanks, I just wanted to make sure before I order it. I think I am going to use some metal hose clamps. Do you have any warnings about doing this? There shouldn't be any water touching them so I really don't see a problem.

If there never going to be in water just use metal. I use metal at home on one setup, and besides the corrosion of the clamp over time it does just fine.
live rock

live rock

I was also wanting to know how the live rock situation is since the move? I have been looking around her and there for live rock from different vendors and was just wondering how the marshall Island rock was looking?

Hi Ryan,

We just got in a couple shipments of Fiji and Marshall Island, and everything is looking great! It is all uncured right now, but great looking onetheless!

cool, hopefully i'll be ordering some live rock within this week. If i do go through PA should I go with normal shipping because everytime I order something it gets here in one day. I understand that all my orders have been for dry goods and not anything alive. I was justing wondering if there might be a difference in the time it takes to ship live goods and if there was a difference in shipping between the two.

Yes, just go with the normal shipping. Being in Illinois really helps out since your ground shipping is like next day air.

thats great! :D And I won't have to go to the airport in Saint Louis to pick up the order, which is about 30-40 minutes away from me.