Barbershop Goby & Pistol


New member
I have two Randalli Pistol Shrimp in my tank and I had bought one Barbershop Goby that I was hoping would pair up with either one. Within 15 minutes of being in its new home the Goby was already under a rock poking his head out where one of my shrimp lives =D

I never expected that to happen so fast but it was pretty cool. Just wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences.

I got a Pistol Shrimp (not sure what kind, it has horizontal bands of light and dark reddish brown) for my Orange Diamond Goby - Valenciennea puellaris. The LFS said they had never seen this goby pair up with a shrimp but they did. This goby is so industrious though I rarely see the shrimp. It'll peek out for a handout sometimes or I'll see it burrowing along the side of the tank, like an ant farm. Very interesting.