Bare bottom tank


I'm thinking of removing my sand and going bare bottom for my 45 gal. reef tank. Who here has a bare bottom with protection between the rocks and bottom glass? What material did you use to protect it and where did you buy it (Lowes, Home depot, etc...)?
On the other hand, who here doesn't use protection under their rocks and has been successful without any accidental rock falls and broken glass?
ive had 3 bare bottom tanks over the last 13 years with nothing on the bottom. ive never had any problems. eventually the entire bottom gets covered in coralline algae and i guess that could have some protective properties against scratching and what not.
I just brought a tank and I went with travertine tile on the bottom. I think it looks pretty good. I've also heard of people doing abs.
I have read that if you're going to do bare bottom that you should start the tank bare bottom, not remove sand once it is already there. Could cause stability issues, and I would never do it. Although I think benefits of bare bottom tanks are nice, especially if you're growing encrusters.
I have mentioned this in other posts. I have 4 systems running. 2 with sand and 2 without. the 2 without are dead stable and never have algae or n03/p04 issues. The 2 with sand I am constantly fighting GHA, red slime, N03 and P04. the systems without I rarely do WCs on and the systems with I have to do weekly WCs.
As far as something between the rock and glass I don't use anything. As far as removing the sand I do know to remove it slowly. BRS is doing this with there 160g so I am sure there will be a vid about it but I would think if you did it over the course of 8-10 WCs would be best IMO. being very careful to not mix the sand.