Bare Botton Refugium


New member
anyone run one and are there advantages over ones with substrate or mud?
Thinking of running one with rock and cheato with 24/7 lighting. Current refuge substrate finding it's way into my separate sump which ultimately is circulated into my display.
Even with cheato, you dont' want 24/7. Plants as well as pods need a night cycle. My refugium only has about a cupfull of sand in one small area (10g fuge) , a few small rubble rock pieces, and the cheato. And i couldn't count all those pods if I wanted. Works very well for me. Could always install a baffle between the sand and pump. Just a thought.
I run a BB refuge with only cheato . My cheato is tumbling in my refuge so i don't need any thing in there for the cheato to get tangle up in to.