Base ball park getting a aquarium

Says the tank will be hit by foul balls and wild pitches. Plus it looks like the fans have access to one side in the second link. So you know people will be kicking it and stuff. Like those annoying kids who want to tap on the tanks in the stores.

Seems like a bad idea to me.

The aquarium on the right side of home plate will measure 34 feet in length and hold 600 gallons of saltwater; the one on the left will be 24 feet long and hold 450 gallons. Each aquarium will be constructed with fiberglass. Lexan, the same material used for bulletproof glass, will be coated over the fiberglass to prevent the aquariums from cracking when hit with stray pitches or foul balls.

Besides the baseballs that will regularly hit the sides of the tank, the fish will be also be subjected to bright lights and the noise of the 37,000 fans. Studies have shown that fish are capable of feeling pain, as well as cognitive fear and anxiety. Even if the fish aren't in physical pain in the tanks, the reverberations from baseball impact or crowd noise is likely to cause distress to the fish.
I just recently read an article about Fish not having Ears or being able to hear! They do feel Vibrations in the water column though so foul balls are not a good thing for them.
The whole thing sounds like they didn't think things through. Bad Idea IMO