Basement sump return pump??


Premium Member
I'm getting ready to move in a month and plan on putting my sumps in the basement and redoing my 125g tank on the first floor.My tank will be a bare bottom tank.And what i would like to do is have the return pump blast through a spraybar that runs along the bottom-back of the tank to keep any waste from settling.
Now my 125 RR has 2x 3/4 returns(corner overflows) should i keep or change to 1inch pipe and run over the back?
Should the spraybar be one full piece(feed from both ends) or 2 seprate?
Also any recs on a pump that is gonna still give atleast 1000gph to the bars.
If you have a set up like this or other ideas please give me some info.Ive always ran a compact system so with the new house it's time to branch out alittle.