Basic Questions and Which Package for Me?


Premium Member
Hello. I'm still in the planning stages of a new setup. I have almost everything picked out and am now trying to decide on a controller brand and which controller for a particular brand.

Here is a description of what I'm interested in initially vs. long term.

Initially I'll have the following or like to control the following:

1) temperature (2 heaters)
2) pH
3) lighting (5-6 plugs to control lighting schedule)
4) tunze osmolator for top-off
5) return pump (no control needed - just another plug)
6) main pump (vortech mp40w)
7) skimmer
8) fans (Profilux Breeze? see below for question)

Long term plans/wish list include the following extras:

9) Salinity (would be nice to have initially - but with auto-topoff, this should be fairly constant, right?)
10) Ca Reactor or dosing
11) internet access to controller

It looks like I'd have around 13 plugs initially. Of those, I would need to control a minimum of 9 (lights, heaters, fans).

Based on that description, could you tell me which package and accessories I'd need? There's a decent chance I left something out, so please let me know if you think I did.

Also, I have some questions on the Profilux temperature control. What are the dimensions of the one fan PTC unit? How much length is added per additional fan?

How sensitive is the profilux breeze controller? Will it settle into a speed and maintain constant temperature or does it tend to ramp up and down? Do all fans ramp up and down at the same time or does it take one fan to full speed before switching on a second and ramping up its speed, etc?

I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road.

Thanks for the help.


Good to see you on the forum :)

Ok so to answer the questions on package it depends if you want to do this all in one go in one kit or slowly build up.

I would suggest the profiLux EX beginner Net access pack as they are on a deal right now and if Purchased from a canadian dealer in CAD you will get at least 20% off!!!! this makes ProfiLux the cheapest and also most functonal controller on the market :)

First thing is if you go for ProfiLux you can dump or sell that tunze osmolator you dont need it, the Profilux can control up to 8 stream pumps and also wave boxes, so sell the osmolator on RC and claw back some of your money right away.

The Net access pack give you out the box internet control of your system from any pc with the profilux control software loaded or using software such as pc from home etc

GHL software is free for life!

I would be surprised you would need 13 sockets, the Profilux can control many things in a way to eliminate so many sockets, but I will get to that bit in the kit list.

For all the dimensions of the PTC please follow this great link

The breeze fan when used with the breeze fan controller will ramp up and down depending on the temperature fluctuations of your tank, the breezes are awsome coolers.

So onto the package and kit list

I suggest

ProfiLux plus II EX Net access pack
1 additional power bar giving total of 12 sockets
Tunze cables for your streams
salinity probe
Auto top of kit
Dosing pump for balling (3 stage) or PH second port upgrade kit for CVa reactor control
Fan Breeze
Fan Breeze controller

For that little lot I would suggest looking at some canadian dealers and win on the exchange rate for sure, I can put you in touch with 3 that will ship across the border.

If you need more assistance please let me know ;)
Thanks for the quick reply. The Tunze Osmolator I mentioned is their top off unit. I think that is what it is called. I'd continue to use that unit most likely. This eliminates the tunze cables you mentioned, I believe. I have a vortech, which I know can't talk to the profilux yet.

I'm really interested in the PTC unit. I won't have a spot for a chiller, so this would be ideal. I assume this unit can be placed in the stand (which also holds a sump)?

I think I may initially hold off on the fans and controller and simply use the fans that I already have to get a feel for the amount of evaporation I'll be facing. I have a small 20H right now with two fans blowing across the water (completely horizontal, not directed towards), and my temp holds steady at 78degF. This aquarium is also in the hottest room in the house, whereas my new one will be in a cooler room. It will have 2x250w lighting vs 1x150w now.

So, here are my questions now:

1) Can the PTC be kept in the stand with a sump? (Chillers are supposed to be kept outside of stand)
2) I plan to mount the profilux "box" and power bars inside the stand on the opposite side of the stand. Any concerns here? The stand is ventilated via a fan or two blowing air out of the stand.
3) Can the breeze controller control two units (i.e. two of the the 3-fan units)?
4) Do all of the expansions fit inside the "box"? What if you run out of space? (not likely for me - but just curious)
5) The Net package you suggested above, that is not wireless, correct? There are two separate packages it appears, one that specifically says wireless. This tank will be in a room without a computer, so I'd ave to be wireless.
6) It looks like the picture of the power bars shows some screw holes that could be used for mounting the bar to a wall. Is that what I see?

Thanks again! I'm still months away from my new tank/stand being here, so I may wait on a purchase hoping that the PIII will make it out.


Sorry, me getting confused with tunze products.

But that does then leave the question why use the Tunze top off when GHL has probably THE most advanced water level control capabilities on the market? For about $85 you have available to you some amazing level control features, so ditch/sell the tunze and keep everything in house.

I have listed my other answers below

1) Can the PTC be kept in the stand with a sump? (Chillers are supposed to be kept outside of stand)

No it needs good air circulation

2) I plan to mount the profilux "box" and power bars inside the stand on the opposite side of the stand. Any concerns here? The stand is ventilated via a fan or two blowing air out of the stand.

Answer - Providing the controller and accessories are away from any risk of high humidity, water incursion and or salt creep you are fine, but this goes with any electronic devise you purchase.

3) Can the breeze controller control two units (i.e. two of the the 3-fan units)?

Answer - One per fan module

4) Do all of the expansions fit inside the "box"? What if you run out of space? (not likely for me - but just curious)

Answer - Yes, unlikely to run out of sapce you have 3 slots, all of which double up, but if you have an extreme system the PIII coming out will answer this and all existing clients will get a big discount on the upgrade. To date I only know of one client that ran out of space out of over 2,000 clients in the USA

5) The Net package you suggested above, that is not wireless, correct? There are two separate packages it appears, one that specifically says wireless. This tank will be in a room without a computer, so I'd ave to be wireless.

Answer - We can offer you a wireless pack no trouble, just ask your retailer to upgrade the LAN to Wireless LAN.

6) It looks like the picture of the power bars shows some screw holes that could be used for mounting the bar to a wall. Is that what I see?

Answer - Yes correct they can be screwed to a wall

Just placed my order with I'm looking forward to getting the new toy. Now if I can just get my aquarium in so that I can test this thing out.

Thanks again for the help!

Woo hoo....received all my stuff today from Progressive Reef. It looks like everything is in there. Still waiting on my aquarium to get here before I can test it all out.

I went with the PII Ex, level sensors, extra power bar, and 4 fan breeze and controller. I'll hopefully add the wireless card at Christmas.

Thanks for the help with the questions I've had over the past month or so. I'm sure there will be more as I get rolling.

Hi Mark,

So good to have you onboard.

You did the right thing spent as long as you needed searching the whole market and answering all the questions, so i am confident you will just love the system, and of course it is backed up by our awsome client care.

Please make yourself known at where you post any tech questions you may have also :)

Welcome onboard
I did think of one question today. Didn't I read on here that I would get a certificate of purchase making me eligible for the PIII upgrade with my order? I don't recall seeing anything that served as this. Sorry if I missed an update on this.

Thanks! I should have asked about eligible for the discount, not just eligible for the upgrade. I suspect you meant the discount that has been mentioned on this forum. I figured the discount would apply to those who bought within a fixed number of months of the PIII release.

Sorry to keep bothering you, but thanks for the quick replies!

Hi Mark

ANYONE who owns a Plus II or Plus II EX is eligable for the "discount" no matter if this was purchased 1 day prior to launch or 5 years previous.

We only have one strict criteria which we really will be down the line on and that is the day the PIII launches anyone buying a Plus II after that day the discount will NOT apply.

So your covered on all counts, and to anyone else thinking of holding off buying a Plus II until after the launch - Sorry but the discount will not apply. The discount is strictly PRE launch only