Bayer Dip Question...


I have a 60 gallon rimless deep blue tank that I've let go and haven't done water changes and it's time to bring it back to life. I'm going to add sand and make it a shallow reef tank. I have a lot of coral in it currently on frag racks and want to dip each coral to ensure all if not most of the bugs get wiped out. I have LPS, Sps, Zoas, Mushrooms, Blastos, Acans, and some anemones.

Would you guys recommend using bayer? Is it safe on all the corals mentioned above? I had a buddy use it and said it worked great but a few days later all his inverts died. I don't want my shrimp let alone my anemones dead.

Thanks for your help!
Bayer is to be used as a dip only. Not sure why inverts would die unless you dip directly. You should rinse the piece very well before returning to tank. It's generally safe for most corals. Not sure about anenomies. Do people dip those too?
I only dip SPS. Be very careful with the smooth skinned acro's. I give drug for a living, I have worked out safe dosing guideline for Bayer but its MACNA weekend and I have to go :)
Lol! Im not going to dip my nems. I just want to make sure that they won't die by dipping the other corals and maybe releasing Bayer in the water and killing them. Because that's what happened to my friend. He dipped his corals rinses them off with saltwater and put them in the tank. A few hours later all his shrimp died.

Rov, your avatar is funny. I came over once and that dog jumped on my gf and left a scar on her leg lmao! Good times haha
Between some of the corals there's a bunch of green hair algae and I've seen little spider looking bugs. Not sure what they are. I just want to revamp my tank and get it back to normal. A few months ago everything was great. Then I stopped doing water changes and you saw green hair algae forming and now corals arent looking that great. So by taking the green hair out and doing a massive water change and dipping corals I think i'll be back to normal.
Alex, I would get your tank back to health (rid of hair algea) first then dip the corals. The process of dipping corals and messing with a tank's equilibrium can bleach your corals.
I agree ANFPO. I took all my eggcrate out, scraped algae off tank glass, and siphoned most of the detritus. Also dosed and brought all my levels to normal. Next I need to dip, put sand, and aquascape over a several week period.
Adding sand to a system with already weakened corals (from the dip): I would add the sand before the dips.

Use pre-bagged Live sand. It doesn't create as much of a sandstorm and it cycles off diatoms faster.
That's the plan! Now that the tank is clean and algae free, next week I'll grab Live Bio-Activ sand. Let that do it's thing then when everything is said and done then i'll dip at the end. I'm scared to dip lol I want to read more about it before I do anything.
Lol! Im not going to dip my nems. I just want to make sure that they won't die by dipping the other corals and maybe releasing Bayer in the water and killing them. Because that's what happened to my friend. He dipped his corals rinses them off with saltwater and put them in the tank. A few hours later all his shrimp died.

I recommend placing the corals in a holding area with activated carbon and circulation for 2 hours after dipping and prior to adding to display tank. We don't know how much Bayer gets absorbed by the many different types of coral tissues, what's metabolized or excreted. So theoretically, Bayer that's been absorbed into the tissue of the coral during the dip could enter the display tank via dilution from the coral tissues.

Long story short, use charcoal water bath after Bayer dip, especially if dipping many corals at once or your display tank is small, ie a nano.