BBW looking for.....

Sinn Sage

HAA! You thought it was some kind of Tender date? :eek1:

Actually it is a Beginner Brackish Water looking for anyone who has done one of these tanks and what kind of experience they had with them. I understand the concepts on keeping one but just was looking for feedback of how the experience is going or went.

I ran the previous version of my planted tank at 25ppt, which I think would qualify as brackish. At the time, my research indicated that salinity was ideal for growing Manatee Grass. But other than salinity, I ran it as a 'regular' marine tank, keeping macros, grasses, and even inverts like an anemone and some gorgonians. Here is the thread for it:

"Caribbean Biotope Seagrass Tank":

If you talked more about what you're attempting to do, I could offer more feedback.
I am attempting to replicate an estuary such as the Mississippi River when it hits the Gulf. I plan on using a 40G breeder.

Granted I won't be able to do LPS and such but I think I get by with puffer, some shrimp, and such.

Not sure if a sump will do any good and just use a canister instead.
Sounds cool! You can do a lot with a 40B. I like canisters too. So flexible. Main benefit of a sump is getting equipment like heaters our of your display and out of sight.

Consider mollies, which are Southern US estuary natives. They eat algae and are prolific live bearers, effectively turning algae into feeder fish for your puffer.

Any plans for sand, rock or plants? A piece of driftwood might be cool. Have fun!