Be careful out there folks....


Last night I was doing some rearranging of my z's and p' fragging...I am not really sure how this happened but several hours later my left eye became inflamed, swollen, and badly irritated...and I could barely focus. I went to bed only to wake up around 530 in a lot of pain...went to the ED and had an ophthalmologist check me out...I looked like the devils child! Of course I told him of my reefing activities. He said there was no scratches or sign of trauma, but the infection was severe. He put me on some antibiotics and steroids...seems to be helping...

I have been keeping Zoo's for 10 years and never had this happen, I don't even know HOW this happened, I must have just rubbed my eye or something...I should be ok but man I could not imagine if I made more direct contact...from now on it is safety glasses for me!
Nice to know,in just getting started with zoo's.
I did purchase some long gloves,I guess I'll have to add some glasses to the list.

Thanks for the info
That's rough Chris. Zoas slime when disturbed. Even a little bit of slime on your hands/fingers is enough to cause a problem. Glad to hear the antibiotics and steroids are helping.

Wash your hands people!!
Doesn't stop anything from getting in your mouth or eyes ;) There are plenty of "duh", but completely plasable cases out there... like a ringing doorbell for a delivery and you go to remove your gloves as many do (not saying it's smart) with your teeth/mouth. Or sneezing and instinctively going to cover your mouth.
You can use any of these types to protect your skin while working on your tank.

people forget that the tank is also full of pathogens, bacteria etc... we tend to get niks and scratches during our daily activities that we don't feel. putting your arms/hands in the tank just increases the chance of infection. also wear EYE PROTECTION.
Thx all for the comments and don't want to have this happen to you, so be careful, wash your hands often, and ware protection if you are fragging...BTW, I had glasses on, I must have gotten this stuff in my eye through passive contact, i.e. my hands.
Thx all for the comments and don't want to have this happen to you, so be careful, wash your hands often, and ware protection if you are fragging...BTW, I had glasses on, I must have gotten this stuff in my eye through passive contact, i.e. my hands.

Glad to hear your ok bud..

Next time.
I bought some inexpensive painter's gloves from hardware store. Box of 100 for less than $10. That way I can just throw them away and since they are cheap I don't mind using them.
i read once that the toxins in a reef tank can build up in your body, something like your body has a hard time cleaning them out so they can build up over time. im not 100% sure if this is true, does anyone else have any input?
I have heard something about that from my marine bio class, we were discussing avid divers having issues, but it would make sense if your arm keeps going in and out of the tank that the same could happen.

And Friday Night...hilarious:lolspin: