Before & After

Thanks you all for all the comments
Let see if I can answer all the questions

55 gal
VHO 440w
1057 main pump + SCWD
Mag 12 close loop + SCWD
Turbo-Twist UV Sterilizers 9W
Berlin Turbo Protein Skimmers Mag 9.5
Aqua FX 100gph Double D.I. / Tropic Marine
5 ½ gal refugium / Rio 600 / 20W mini compact
Camera is a CASIO Exilim exz-1080
Only the best Rogger Castells miracle food exclusively
What happen to the thread of the month did you won?
VHO 440w 2 actinic and 2 whites
For does I need a professional photographer like you
Dale a la tambora coño
Is a canon and Invertigator is the one that is
going to take that picture
And this thread is officially open for does of you that wants to post some picture of the before and after of your tank
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11977526#post11977526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rrigau
And this thread is officially open for does of you that wants to post some picture of the before and after of your tank

Dude, your tank was sick before... It's only gotten better. Very NICE!

-Mike C.