benifits of a 500 gallon sps tank


New member
you can one of these!! about 12-13 inches in size. I can hear him clicking in the other room. Pretty much shot any hope of mixing lps with him, but damn what a trade. Funny thing to see is my 3 inch maroon clown chasing him around the tank.
HE IS A BEAUTY!! The lines are all nice! Good trade! Give us news on how he is doing in your reef! btw, do you have any clams?
Very nice! I could live without my trumpets, frogspawn and favias for that!

... maybe not without my clams though!
No I keep tons of other fishes and inverts. My clam has me worried but so far is doing ok. My frogspawn is ok and so is my zenia. I feed him tons of sponge and sea weed. He's a pig