best bulb rating for growing algae (6500, 10000k)


New member
I just set up a little fuge and I'm using mini pendant that came with one 10000K bulb and one true actinic 03. Does everyone use 6500K or are mine alright?
Hey gskidmor,

I'm sure that 10,000K would be great for growing algae. As long as the light is intense enough (what size fuge is it over?) it should make algae grow just as well. If I'm the algae doesn't grow that well you can always pick up a cheap low-kelvin bulb from a lighting place. Check out: (400w, 4,000K bulb for $14 + shipping). FWIW I use one 45w, 6,500K screw-in PC lamp and one 60w, ~3-4,500K (my estimate) screw-in plant grow lamp (the kind they sell at Wal-Mart) over my 20L fuge at the moment.

I have a 20-gallon fuge and am using the Mini-Aqualight (18w) that has one 10k white and a blue actinic. My grape calurpa is growing like crazy (pull a handful out every 2 weeks).
that is just what I wanted to hear since I have a very similar setup: mini-aqualight over a 15 gallon custom fuge, and I just got some grape caluerpa!
I'm curious how much lighting is required for a fuge? I have my fuge sitting next to a window so it gets sunlight, now I know this probably will produce other types of algae, but would this be sufficient for spaghetti algae (chaetomorpha)? What about for some other type of algae to grow for my yellow eyed tang (doesn't seem to like spaghetti, must not be italian)? I'd really like to use as much natural light as possible because that's one less plug, one less drain on my powerbill, and plus with a light the top would be covered and then all the sunlight misses (except the sides).

What direction is that window facing? So far how is the algae doing? The natural sunlight of your area may be sufficient to make the algae grow but it would probably grow faster and thus keep your water cleaner under stronger lighting. Your tang would probably like most red algae like Gracilaria.

The window is a ... north(ish) facing window, when the sun sets th sun shoots through like a laser beam (and easily humbles ALL shimmer lines from metal halide bulbs), but throughout the day its indirect lighting (bright enough for me to see).
I just setup a refuge that is 24" x 27" x 24" (67 gallons) What would be a good light to grow macro algae? - Looking for the lowest wattage possible that can still do the job?

Check out: FWIW I use one 45w, 6,500K screw-in PC lamp and one 60w, ~3-4,500K (my estimate) screw-in plant grow lamp (the kind they sell at Wal-Mart) over my 20L fuge at the moment. I'm using those metallic dome lights sold for reptile terrariums. 3 screw-in PC lamps that are from 40 to 45 watts would probably give you excellent algal growth.

Didnt even think of those - even though I have outfitted my house with them to save money.

Im thinklI will give them a try.
kmk2307 said:

Check out: FWIW I use one 45w, 6,500K screw-in PC lamp and one 60w, ~3-4,500K (my estimate) screw-in plant grow lamp (the kind they sell at Wal-Mart) over my 20L fuge at the moment. I'm using those metallic dome lights sold for reptile terrariums. 3 screw-in PC lamps that are from 40 to 45 watts would probably give you excellent algal growth.


Will this bulb work in a regular light socket, or do I need to purchase a ballast for it too?

Nah, those screw in compacts work in ordinary light sockets (if you notice they have a fat base, that's the ballast! it comes built in to each bulb)