Best condition for hairy millipora prostrada


Active member
I have had 2 frags of slow growing hairy millipora prostradas (purple and eletric green) in my tank for 4 months now, at the beginning the PE was hairy but as time progress the polyps were not as super extended as before, 2 weeks ago I accidently lower the salinity from 1.025 to 1.023 by adding too much top off. And all of the suddently the polyps are super extended as before.
My question for you the milli lover, what parameters do you keep your prostrada at and the PE are super long. (Ca, Alk, salinity, pH)
IMO its not what levels that your tank is at . It could be 380-420ca, 7.7-9 dkh,35ppt,7.8-8.3ph.

It the light and flow mainly . All milles or prostratas I have love high light along with high random current . They all grow extreamly well. I almost lost a few because I thought they could handle lower light and flow .........Well no they didn't the ones that took a hit came back once moved into the high light and high flow again .They are all super bushy and getting thicker all the time which is good because a few had thinned out tons and were getting brittle.

Here are just a few of mine.



this pic you can see a pink prostrata



I am very impressed with the all the milli especially with the ones in the third pictures. So is your Ca++ level now at 380 ppm? Then again it might not be the water chemistry as you explained earlier in your post.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7394501#post7394501 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clkwrk
IMO its not what levels that your tank is at . It could be 380-420ca, 7.7-9 dkh,35ppt,7.8-8.3ph.

It the light and flow mainly . All milles or prostratas I have love high light along with high random current .

Evening all, the nail has been hit on the head.
I love milli's they are one of my favorites!!!! Anybody have pics of nice blueberry milli's??? I think it is one of the most stunning of all the milli's!!
i agree with clkwrk!
this one is about 4 in below the surface.....random flow every 1 min on it as well! Also, your salinity is cool at 1.025 is close to the high end. HTH
thanks direct feeding....i do use the DT's every other day...2 cap fulls before i go to bed. outside that....LOTS OF CURRENT! :) feel 1.023 is o.k. ?
i would think 1.025 or 1.026 would be even more desired for SPS, as the ocean is 1.0263......
hey eagles......ive been running around the .023 for quite awhile....the min i run would be .019...very min! top end is .026 for me.

Just my opinion of course! :)
Can you post the camera perameters, such as A, S,P,M mode, f#, ISO, flash light or not, macro lense? and type of camera you use. I have a Nikon coolpix 4500, but the images I've been getting are blue and blury most of time. Do you run 20K bulb, and how do you compensate for the white balance, thx.