What he did on craigslist is smart, but greedy and impolite. Craigslist is in fact not meant for business advertising, but rather for use by the general public as a classified and forum. There is no such thing in this universe as a "free lunch", why does GB deserve to abuse what Craigslist is meant for? In fact... if you're a business, you're not allowed to post all over craigslist as advertising, this is how craigslist makes money. Companies have to pay to use craiglists services when they're looking to hire new employees. Seeing the same ad on there constantly just hinders the usefulness of the resource and is unfair to those who use it for legitimate purposes.
I don't know that he got what he wanted. he wants money, just like every other businessman (yes, the economy is driven by selfishness, aka self interest). However, I wouldn't say his store is flourishing, for if it were I'm sure he'd be advertising in smarter ways, such as to the local clubs by donating or something of that order. Mind you such advertising is not free.
I don't mean to open the can of worms and throw em all over, but I just have a difficult time agreeing with those type of business tactics... but, perhaps I'm wrong.