Best food to target feed rics?


New member
Hi guys,
I have just purchased about 20 rics of assorted colors and want to target feed them for maximum growth. I have been using frozen cylopeeze and the rics seem to take it in. I can actually see there mouths open up and fill themselves with the red cyclopeeze. I was wondering if there was a better choice of food out there for direct feeding them? Perhaps something more nutritous or appropriate for rics?
Off-topic-Where did you buy the rics from? Just asking becuase I'm trying to find some relatively cheap, quality rics to frag. So far all mine, 20+ are from and they are great, just looking for more variety/better deals.

For feeding I'm not sure what's best but I've heard they will take mysis and this morning I dropped in a couple formula two (medium sized) pellets and one happened to land on a .75'' diameter ric and it swallowed the hole pellet. It was pretty cool and I placed a pellet on some of my bigger rics and they ate it too and they all look more expanded now. HTH.

I got the rics from this place...

I'm happy with the rics but it was a little challenging comunicating with them. More often then not they wouldn't answer there phone or return e-mails.

It's cool to hear they ate a pellet. I think target feeding may be a good angle for optimal fragging. Check out my thread in the coral propogation forum and tell my what you think.

Yea I'm experimenting on my rics. I cut some and some I'm just feeding to see what's the fastest. It would be better if I had to of the same then feed one and cut the other but pretty much all of mine are different colors. Still it should be good.
I don't target feed, mainly too many. I feed frozen mysis 3 times a week and use phyoto planjton to mealt it. I also use seachem complete pluse3 once a week
I'm not sure how to post pics but if you want, PM me your e-mail and I can send you a pic of the rics that they got two weeks ago. They sent me the pic and let me circle the ones that I wanted.
I target feed with chopped silversides, carnivore pellets of varying sizes. It all depends on the size of the ric. The ones in the prop system get hand fed every few days with the pumps off. After 45 minutes anything uneaten is removed with pipette.
Rics can make their mouths quite large and will attempt to eat anything meaty you put on the oral cavity.

I didn't realize that they could open there mouths quite large. So I guess there really is no prefered food for rics at this point, just the typical meaty stuff.
Any reccomendation on pellets?
