Best LED light for quarantine tank with corals?


New member
I have a 10G quarantine tank that I'd like to add better lighting to so I can quarantine corals etc.

Questions come up because I just bought a Tridacna maxima clam. Up until now I've always put my corals direct into my DT, but given it's been established for two years, I don't want to risk with any new introductions and so I've decided to quarantine the clam for at least a couple weeks which suggests it'll need a decent light to stay healthy.

QT currently has a cheap hood with standard light that came with the 10G tank.

What LED light would you best recommend knowing this is for a QT and I don't want to go overboard (Ideally be nice to find something under $100)
If you don't overly care about aesthetics, one of those 14K Par38 bulbs have worked just fine for me. Currently they are growing majano really well in my 30L QT :(.