Best macro algae for Main Tank?


New member
Hi all. I am currently battling algae. I just won against cyano bacteria but now these brown stuff are coming. I scrub the tank's glass daily and blast them off the rocks. Apparently my sea hare recently died(rip) and thats probably why my nitrates are high. I do not have a refugium. So what macroalgae can I use in the main tank? If not, I have a in-tank isolation box that can potentially be a in-tank refugium.Also, I have a canister filter which has carbon and bio media in it, should I get a skimmer? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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In general the green caulerpas like more light and grow fast, helping to soak up nutrients the bad algae wants. Red macros like less light and grow slower and don't need as many nutrients. Having both adds stability. Then its just a matter of what you like. Try a few and see what does well for you.
Might a cactus algae work? Heard this species aren't as crazy as the others like caulerpa.

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Hi all. I am currently battling algae. I just won against cyano bacteria but now these brown stuff are coming. I scrub the tank's glass daily and blast them off the rocks. Apparently my sea hare recently died(rip) and thats probably why my nitrates are high. I do not have a refugium. So what macroalgae can I use in the main tank? If not, I have a in-tank isolation box that can potentially be a in-tank refugium.Also, I have a canister filter which has carbon and bio media in it, should I get a skimmer? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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I will answer some of your questions. However, without knowing more about your tank and what is your dream for it, it is hard to offer advice.

Are you using GAC. I would recommend using it continually, no matter what method you go with. GAC is compatiable with all methods but cryptic zone sponges, both compete for DOC (dissolved organic carbon). While I circulate thru canister filter with GAC in it, I only change GAC when bio indicators like GHA indicate a need.

If this is a temporary solution, then I would advise one thing.

If you are interested in a mixed garden lagoon tank, then I would recommend two different growth rate macros. Fast growth rate like Caulerpa Prolifera, looks like oar grass, provides a nice green undulating wave. Do not let it's holdfast get on your rock. Now Grape Caulerpa holdfast are easily removed of all bits. An added benefit of Grape Caulerpa is it makes a good snack for nutrient export. I dip it in fresh ice water to remove salt and most importantly enhance crispness. I eat this as a garnish with ceviche or on its own with sesame seed oil, sweet cooking rice wine, soy sauce and lime juice. For decorative macro I like Red Grapes. With red and green colors you would start out with a Christmas theme.
If you use this reference by Russ Kronwetter from Gulf Coast EcoSystem aka you will know more than the rest of us.