Best Macroalgae for Refugium


New member
I'm setting up a 12 gallon refugium for the purpose of reducing nitrates. I plan on placing sand and live rock into the tank, and have a 32w PC over it. Can someone help me decide what is the best macroalgae for this application?
Chaetomorpha is one of the best refugium algaes going, grows fast and is easy to remove the excess. I also find it's tangled mass provides good living space for pods and worms ;) Other good algaes for a refugium are gracilaria and ulva. Caulerpa sp. can be good, but growth must be carefully managed to prevent a mass sexual event that could foul a tank.
Thanks Bill. Is there an online retailer you'd recommend where I can purchase some of the macroalgae you mentioned? Or do you get yours locally?
That's one of those questions that's best answered in private, lest I need to ban myself for commercial activity ;)