Best place to buy livestock??


Hi everyone! I am new to this hobby and I had a question about lfs. I've gone to a few stores and was very saddened to see a decent amount of their fish dead. I asked if their fish were tank raised or ocean caught and they told me that most of them are ocean caught; that further upset me to see such beautiful creatures dying at the hands of man.

I was hoping that I could get some names of stores that carry mostly tank raised or take great care of their ocean caught fish. Also, any info on any stores that carry a guarantee on the fish would be appreciated.

The majority of fish are going to be ocean caught wherever you shop. Only a handful of species are able to be bred in captivity (clowns, gobies, etc.).

Some losses are inevitable due to stresses of shipping, but some stores do a better job keeping their tanks clean, and recognizing and treating disease when it is found. My personal favorite for healthy fish is Reef's Edge in Davie.
Fishes of Eden in Miramar would be worth your while. They always have a good variety of healthy livestock to pick from each time I am there.
ReefLife had some really beautiful fishes, most of which were very healthy. It even seemed like in the back there was a quarantine section for not so healthy fish, which is always a good safe step that should be appreciated from an LFS.

About guarantees, I think only online vendors do that because they sell in such large volume they can afford to. However, talk to the people at the LFS first, maybe bring in a water sample, and they'll be sure to help make your tank and new fish/coral successful.
I second Reef Life, great place, clean and most importanty lots of nice livestock. Oh also has pretty good prices.
Been there only twice but it is now my fav. fish store :)

Another I recommend is Exotic Aquatic.

Never been to Reef's Edge so cant say anything about that store as yet.
All in all livestock is pretty much the same all over-except Eco reef that sells some ORA stuff ( tank raised) that addresses your question.
As far as fish goes I buy where I feel comfortable, not one particular place is more appealing than other(except petworld LOL sorry had to). I do believe Pat at Reeflife will help u out if the fish dies, providing that the decision making prior to that was adequate, He's very reasonable and takes care of his customers, that has also been my experience at CRF. As far as warranty its very difficult to have one mainly b/c livestock is what it is.
although the coral selection stinks big al's has one of the best choices of fish around. lots of fish that when i was there looked as healthy as most stores. in addition there is a tremendous amount of livestock to choose from
I was very impresed with the fish at Reefs Edge the only time I was there to just look around ended buying two.