Best Skimmer for 60 x 60 x 60 cm?


New member
Hi, does the H&S 110-F2000 internal protein skimmer is too big for 60 x 60 x 60 cm aquarium (including rear sump)? Will it works? Thank you.
Looks like that skimmer is designed for up to 125 gallons. Your tank is about 57 gallons. I don’t know much about skimmers (and over-skimming for that matter) but I have a skimmer for a 150 Gallon tank on my 65 and it appeared fine. I think it should be fine and I believe the general consensus is still having a skimmer designed for roughly double your water volume.
I'm currently running a eShopps S-120 (designed for up to 120 gallon tank) on my 40 breeder with now issues. So, I think the H&S on a 57 gallon tank should be more than enough.