Best Substrate for Sump/Refugium


New member
I'm putting together a 10g sump once my baffles get in. It will just be in overflow in, refugium, I guess some trays for carbon or something, and then return out. I will probably use most of the tank for the refugium and keep the baffles as far apart as I can for that. I will likely want 2-4 inches of substrate in that refugium section. Right now on the tank I have a 5g HOB refugium which is great ... but I used CaribSea Mineral Mud Refugium Substrate in it and I don't know if I like it. I will probably need 3-5 gallons to fill the sump with substrate so what is the best option for that? Just plain old sand? More mud? Crushed Coral? I don't plan or growing live corals or frags in there, I just plan on using a plan white light in there. I will definitely use it as a time out room for murder crabs or other things that get on my nerves though. it will be filled with algae of a few types and whatever pods and other lifeforms make there way down. Any suggestions?


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I don't use any substrate anymore. I have sand in the display tank. So just macros.
Most want a fuge to reduce nutrients and have a place for pods to produce. Substrate is not necessary and is just a place for detritus to collect.
Unless you are creating a deep sand bed, but most people don't make it deep enough and they end of worse off in the end.
None.. makes it easier to clean. If you want to use miracle mud put it in a tuperware container in the sump
I agree with the "none" above. I have rubble rock in a milk create and a ball of cheato that gets pulled ever couple months and empty it completely and vacuum the tank bottom. I dont want anything down there that I cant clean.
Since macro algae don't have true roots, substrate is not necessary. Pods and worms like it though, so maybe a little sand and rubble would be helpful.

No substrate for sump

Miracle mud for refugium

lol, no one puts substrate in skimmer or return sections. :D
But i assume you mean a separate refugium... not one that is a partition of a sump.

As far as miracle mud goes... i've used it before. Also used Walt Smith's Fiji Mud. It's ok for certain applications, like in the mangrove tank that I had. But just a tray in the sump? Nah... it doesn't do anything quantifiable.
Even in a separate fuge where I just want to grow chaeto I wouldn't use substrate anymore.
I may have missed it above, but is the sump a 10 gallon tank? If so just keep it simple. A return pump, a heater, an ATO and perhaps a skimmer. Don't overthink it. GL.