Finally did our upgrade to the 210g and was told our Tomini and Atlantic should be fine together and after one night the Tomini literally bullied the Atlantic to death. I was able to pull the Atlantic out but he never recovered from the beating and I lost him the next day...
They were in separate tanks before the 210g so it was never an issue. My wife really wants another tang and we are looking for something that can get along with the Tomini or at least hold it ground as she likes that one also.
Any suggestions on a good tang that wont be too aggressive in the long run?
They were in separate tanks before the 210g so it was never an issue. My wife really wants another tang and we are looking for something that can get along with the Tomini or at least hold it ground as she likes that one also.
Any suggestions on a good tang that wont be too aggressive in the long run?