Best tank parameters for Zoas

Hey everyone, you should do some searches on here, there are a lot of older posts from vetran zoa/paly keepers and water parameters that probably wont post due to the topic has been beat to death.hah Tons of great info when you have down time to read.
I will say Vit.C is a great zoa/paly growth booster, BUT it must be a buffered VitC and added only with an effecient protein skimmer. search vitamin c before trying!!! it will crash your tank, or bloom ridiculous amount of algae if you dont.
I keep my sg around 1.024, t5 lights, I keep nitrates pretty low but I have a very simple set up with no sump so I'm sure my tds are high. That combo has got me pretty good growth in the last 5 months.
I have grown many zoas... Some with incredible results and growth rates... I've never kept "dirty water"... My alk was always around 9... Calcium round 400+ (though I believe this parameter to be useless with softies like zoos, mag around 1450+, temps at 78 to 81, and salinity at about 1.025 (a little high or low on salinity seems to have caused me serious issues a few times, as well as low alk)... They never liked too much light, but flow never seemed to matter... Actually more flow helped them grow nice and tight together making for great looking colonies... Although direct flow isn't good IMO... Nitrates and phos have always been zero, or very close to... Ive never fed my zoas or dosed aminos or Vitamen C...
I dose my frag tank with Brightwell Zooplanktōs M and every one of my zoa's are absolutely thriving! I dose my 110 gal system with 10ml every other day and it has made the biggest difference in growth. its basically a suspension feed that hasn't let me down. I've got over 10dif. kinds of zoas and they all love it.

Posted from App for Android
also time is another parameter for growth.

feels like they don't really take off until a month or two after you stopped moving them around in the tank.
I keep my water somewhat dirty, Nitrates around 1-5, sg 1.024-25, phos 0.03 and I dose with Seachem Calcification, Ions, Eight-Four and Fuel. The Fuel seems to do the most IMO, just make sure if you are using this or something similar that you don't double dose with other products. Make sure to read what are the ingredients, a friend was doing Fuel and Red Sea Color's. They both had a lot of the similar ingredients. His tank became VERY dirty and big algae blooms.