That is true, it is near impossible for the anemone to enter the wavebox. I do generally recommend other pumps, the wave motion lacks any direction, it is very much like you may see at a large lake or the coast when you step in the sand, it washes back and forth and more or less lands in the same place. It lifts and suspends, but without a directional flow to carry it to filters, etc, it is not the whole picture. The only time wavebox only does well is with filter feeding corals, sun polyps, gorgonians, sponges, etc, anemones only as well. What I personally prefer is the 5005 for anemones, I like this solution because it is a controllable powerhead that does about 1000 gph and I can add a long intake pipe, T off the intake behind the rock so I have about 12" of intake bar so the suction is diffuse and it takes stuff off the bottom to the top. The 5005 is a conventional impeller powerhead but the output is 1" wide. It is the safest option. If you want a wider flow option, a pair of 6095's inside 6200.250 stream rocks is the second best, the rock provides some protection. I have used this type of set up and never lost an anemone to this arrangement but I have had them sucked on and damaged (cut off tentacles, etc). If your focus is on other corals, then the 6095's are the best bet and I would just let the anemone settle in before easing the powerheads up to the full flow. I used the 5005 (actually 7400, identical in performance but a much older model) set up with a yellow ritteri I kept for 6 years, it finally died when a chiller failed and the heat stress caused it to split and the two halves did not heal properly and got infected. I used the 6100 (another older model, closer to the 6105 we make today) in the Stream Rock for a rose anemone, it lived 4 years under me, and may still be alive, I sold the tank off, but it did get sucked in a couple times.