I've done this. Any poly bucket or best a rinsed Rubbermaid Brute garbage can is safe. Put all rock submerged in one bucket with aeration; put all livestock in another. With aeration and heat.er. Empty the tank down to the sand. That's a major part of the weight off. Try to engage as many strong friends as possible. If you have a new stand, put teflon glides under it. If you can position it permanently at this point, do. If not the glides will always help you move it, even years later. restore the rock. Start pumping the water back in. Restore corals. They can be out of water briefly. And as much WARMED new salt water as you can manage. It's safe to heat glass measuring cups of water in the microwave then pour into tank: this is water without life in it. Just get it up to temperature. BAG your fish. FLoat the bags. This will help cushion the fish against any temperature mismatch, and keep working on that temperature....once within 5 degrees, you're ok. Just keep adding water, aerating, until you have enough water to start your system up.