New member
Hey Guys, been lurking here for a while, love the SPS keeper section of RC. Been following many threads here and decided ild take the plunge and start a thread here. Local Marine sites are on the decline as Dom would know, so off to greener pastures we go.
Bit of history over the life of this tank:
- Started with a red sea max 250
- Modded pretty much everything in the RSM to run zeovit
- Discovered the colourfull stick variety of corals and did my best to cater for their needs (still in the process of doing such)
- Slowly removed all other corals to make room for the SPS glory
- Ran out of room in the RSM250, got a bit depressed at the lack of room i had with the 250 so decided to upgrade to a 4x2x2
- Built the cabinet for the 4x2x2
- Found a 6x2x2 starfire thee sides for a good price
- Realized the 6x2x2 could fit much more hopefully colourfull sticks in it
- Had to build another cabinet for my 6x2x2
- The 6x2x2 now up and running for about 6 months give or take, now has a 4x2x2 stand next door to it housing my RO tank, calcium reactor and associated equipment.
Tank is currently very fish limited due to a mishap on my behalf, which was a costly mistake rushing fish through quarantine.
The tanks current state and equipment list:
Tank: 6x2x2 starfire to three sides
Lighting: 8 x 80w ATI sunpower
flow: 2 x mp40s 2 x 150w gyres
Skimmer: RLSS r10u
Refugium: Cheato and Caulerpra, currently baby brine shrimp hatchery aswell
Reactors: carbon, zeo reactor
Return pump: Waveline dc10000
Current supps used:
- KZ coral vitalizer 8 drops every other day
- KZ zeostart 3 0.5ml twice daily
- KZ aminos 8 drops on rotation to CV
- KZ zeobak 8 drops when i feel like it
- KZ k balance 4ml every second day
- Brightwells lugols 2 drops twice weekly
- Brightwells replenish 2ml daily
Still have plenty to learn and love researching, so have read plenty of threads and often change the way in which i run the system constantly chasing the dream of ultimately colourful sticks! heres some pics from around the place!

Ive been tagging along several threads so i beleive i have learnt the art of self control and not to throw up all your photos at once, so on that note i will hault there so i dont put pics up of the same coral every week. will take some new photos tonight and see if i can find some comparison photos
thanks for watching! Let me know if ive missed anything!
Bit of history over the life of this tank:
- Started with a red sea max 250
- Modded pretty much everything in the RSM to run zeovit
- Discovered the colourfull stick variety of corals and did my best to cater for their needs (still in the process of doing such)
- Slowly removed all other corals to make room for the SPS glory
- Ran out of room in the RSM250, got a bit depressed at the lack of room i had with the 250 so decided to upgrade to a 4x2x2
- Built the cabinet for the 4x2x2
- Found a 6x2x2 starfire thee sides for a good price
- Realized the 6x2x2 could fit much more hopefully colourfull sticks in it
- Had to build another cabinet for my 6x2x2
- The 6x2x2 now up and running for about 6 months give or take, now has a 4x2x2 stand next door to it housing my RO tank, calcium reactor and associated equipment.
Tank is currently very fish limited due to a mishap on my behalf, which was a costly mistake rushing fish through quarantine.
The tanks current state and equipment list:
Tank: 6x2x2 starfire to three sides
Lighting: 8 x 80w ATI sunpower
flow: 2 x mp40s 2 x 150w gyres
Skimmer: RLSS r10u
Refugium: Cheato and Caulerpra, currently baby brine shrimp hatchery aswell
Reactors: carbon, zeo reactor
Return pump: Waveline dc10000
Current supps used:
- KZ coral vitalizer 8 drops every other day
- KZ zeostart 3 0.5ml twice daily
- KZ aminos 8 drops on rotation to CV
- KZ zeobak 8 drops when i feel like it
- KZ k balance 4ml every second day
- Brightwells lugols 2 drops twice weekly
- Brightwells replenish 2ml daily
Still have plenty to learn and love researching, so have read plenty of threads and often change the way in which i run the system constantly chasing the dream of ultimately colourful sticks! heres some pics from around the place!

Ive been tagging along several threads so i beleive i have learnt the art of self control and not to throw up all your photos at once, so on that note i will hault there so i dont put pics up of the same coral every week. will take some new photos tonight and see if i can find some comparison photos
thanks for watching! Let me know if ive missed anything!